Thursday, October 30, 2008

Under the Weather

Yesterday I woke up a bit under the weather. I knew it was coming and I just kept telling myself "just a few more days to get through and then I can rest". I had so much going on that I couldn't bring myself to step away from it. Luckily, I had a couple of open days to relax but I wonder if I wasn't sick, would I be relaxing? My pattern would be to see a window of down time and figure out what needed to be done, work-wise, and do it. While I don't enjoy being sick, I can see the value of requiring me to relax. For the last two days, I've napped, ate soup and barely checked my emails.

Is your body giving you any signs? Is there anything you need to do to care for yourself? Please take the time to do it. You are all you have. Commit yourself to finding balance and honoring your needs above the needs of others. You will be able to provide so much more if you do. I am committing to doing this for myself. I hope you will too.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Feeling a Little Stressed?

Close your eyes.

Take a few deep, cleansing through the nose and out through the mouth.

Allow your breathing to return to a comfortable, even pace.

As you breathe, imagine breathing in peace and breathing out stress.

Say to yourself as you breathe...

Breathe in peace, breathe out stress.
Breathe in peace, breathe out stress.
Breathe in peace, breathe out stress.

Continue until you feel calm and relaxed.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


A few weeks ago I took a weekend long training on ThetaHealing and I LOVED it. I knew it was going to be like the missing piece of a puzzle for me and it truly was. I have been using it daily on myself and others with great results so I thought I'd share.

In a nutshell it works like this. The technique used by the practitioner is to enter the Theta brainwave state and then connect with our higher power and then do whatever is needed to support the client. It uses muscle testing to check feelings, beliefs, illnesses, etc. and when a challenge is found, it is removed.

One of the things I have learned is that one of the reasons change is so hard for us as adult is because our subconscious has one point of reference before we become an adult - our glorious teen years. For many of us, this is an akward time and we are hormonally challenged on top of it. We are fighting to establish an identity of our own - separate from our family and sometimes fighting against everything (or close to it) we've been taught. So anytime we look at changing something in our life, our subconscious says that's scary and doesn't feel good - maybe you shouldn't do it. This is also why, it's important to explore our subconscious beliefs when making a change. It can speed the rate of healing and make it a much more graceful process.

I have been using it primarily for reprogramming beliefs and healings with great success. Many of the beliefs have been around self esteem and money. We sure seem to have a lot of beliefs in these two areas that hold us back. I have FELT the difference almost immediately in every case.

Clients have shared how amazed they are at the shifts they felt as well. If you are interested in trying it, I am offering teleclass for prosperity and abundance where we explore money beliefs and this is a great, affordable way to check it out. Teleclass are available during the noon hour as well as in the evening. If you are interested, visit and click on the calendar of events.

To stay in touch, consider joining our mailing list. Just use the link at the website address listed above.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Your Truth

You don't need to get anyone else to agree with your truth. You just need to live it.

Alan Cohen
Inspirational Author and Speaker

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Last night I had the most wonderful, yet simple dream. I dreamt I went to the lake this fall and everyone was there. All the family and friends who normally join us. In my dream the lake looked different than it really does. It is beautiful in its own right and yet it was exceptional in my dream.

It was a perfect day. There were many trees around...some evergreens, some trees with bright green leaves and some with gorgeous yellow, orange and red leaves - indicative of the autumn season. The sun was shining through the trees sending rays of light across the ground.

There was a feeling of peace and tranquility even with all the people milling around. I took the opportunity to walk down the hill to the lake. As I made my way down, I couldn't believe what I saw. I stepped out onto this large rock that expanded out into the water. It was perfectly flat on top and I felt very safe and secure walking across it towards the edge.

The lake was a good size and completely calm. There was no movement whatsoever. When I gazed down over the rock I could see that while the water looked somewhat deep I could see all the way to the bottom. It was completely clear and the rays of sun provided just enough light to gaze into the water and see everything.

The entire lake was secluded and surrounded by trees and rocks. Directly across from me was a narrow clearing. I couldn't see the top of it but it reminded me of the clearings we used to sled through in the park when I was growing up. This path was filled with vividly colored leaves...the yellows, oranges and reds of fall. The leaves were thick and completely covered the ground. It had the feel of a waterfall, cascading leaves all the way down the hill.

On my left I could see a tall wall of rocks. Dark, smooth and solid rocks. When I looked at them, I felt an internal strength rising up inside of me. In this area there was a waterfall that poured into a small shallow area and then rolled over the rocks in the lake. There were a few people swimming in that area, they seemed free and happy.

I found a spot to sit on the rock and just took it all in. I could have sat there forever.

I wish I could find the words to explain the amount of comfort and serenity I felt but I can't. It was surreal. It felt like such a powerful dream, like a life-changing dream. I felt a sense of honor to be a part of it.

You see, the season of fall represents a new beginning. The sun symbolizes peace of mind, enlightenment, tranquility, fortune, goodwill and insight. It also represents radiant energy. The lush green trees represent new hopes, growth and desires. They are also a sign of strength and stability. The leaves signify a new found happiness and an improvement in various aspects of life. The fall leaves are a sign of letting go of what no longer serves us.

The rocks signify stability. Stones, like the ones under the water, represent strength and unity. The lake signifies the emotional state of mind so a clear and calm lake demonstrates inner peace. The waterfall is also symbolic of letting go. It also represents revitalization and renewal.

This dream is what I've been looking for. Confirmation that I am on the right path. I told my daughter last weekend that even though things weren't perfect I just knew good times were coming. I had felt a huge shift internally and just knew it was good. It felt like this huge weight had just disappeared. I felt open to all that is good in life.

It is time. Time for all of us to embrace all the goodness available. Seize the day!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Filled with Possibilities

When we are filled with possibilities, we have an opportunity to filter them through our intention. The intentions we create for our life determine what we focus on, what we practice and the results we will achieve. Focusing on our intention, gives us integrity. When we live by integrity, we have a filtering system that increases our self-confidence and self-esteem giving us more personal power. When our intentions guide us, life is no longer a series of doubts and moments of questioning. Instead, when we take actions based on our intentions, we become more focused and have more integrity. When we are driven by our intentions, we become a magnet for success.

~Rhonda Britten

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Accomplish Anything

"When you develop yourself to the point where your belief in yourself is so strong that you know you can accomplish anything you put your mind to, your future will be unlimited."

— Brian Tracy: Pre-eminent sales and entrepreneurship expert.

Are you willing to find that solid belief in yourself that will allow you to move forward into a future that is unlimited? Better than you imagined?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Today I woke up feeling like the Universe is shifting. It felt as though it was the beginning of a wonderful new world. I felt free and inspired. I can't explain the shift. I just know that I'm really excited about what the future holds. It's been a tough year for many and it's time to really embrace all that is good and look into the future with optimism. What are you hoping for?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Paint Bliss

Life in itself is an empty canvas, it becomes whatsoever you paint on it. You can paint misery, you can paint bliss. This freedom is your glory.

Osho, 1931-1990Indian Spiritual Teacher

Friday, October 3, 2008

It's Been A While

I hadn't realized how long its been since I last posted. I don't know where the last month went. I thought about posting often and always seemed to get sidetracked with something else. The fall is such a powerful time for me and my favorite season. I love the changing leaves and wrote about it in both my September and October newsletters. I have spent the past month getting my 13 year old daughter back into the routine of school which is always a challenge, at a 4 day healing retreat and a 3 day workshop to add another tool to my toolbelt. This past week I've really felt the impact of doing all of this along with everything else on my plate and spent a little extra time sleeping and just taking it easy in general. I am grateful for the time to do this. I am also grateful for the wonderful teachers in my life. Without each of them, I would not be where I am today. I am off to enjoy a massage this afternoon and will write more later.

In Gratitude,