Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What does Responsible Mean?

What does responsible mean to you? For some reason I am challenged by this word. I know that I am responsible for me. I am responsible for my healing, for my growth, for my lessons, for my success. I am responsible for it all. That is really scary to me.

I looked the word up and the second definition said "being the cause of something, usually something wrong or disapproved of". WOW. Another Aha Moment. Here's another belief for me to release. I remember hearing the word "responsible" as a child and that is exactly how it was used it. No wonder I feel resistance to it. I've made a lot of mistakes and those mistakes...I know I am responsible for BUT there are a lot of really wonderful things I've done in life too! I am also responsible for them. That's the part I need to embrace. That's the part I want to create more of in my life.

You see, responsible also means being reliable, accountable, needing qualities like conscientiousness and trustworthiness. These words feel much better to me. It's amazing what's in a word AND what beliefs can be hiding behind those words.

We are all responsible for our own lives. Nobody else is. We are responsible for our success and our failure, our lessons and what we learn from them, how we grow, what we release and when, etc. The only thing that can prevent me from having all the abundance available to me. Plain and simple.

I am choosing to be responsible - reliable, accountable, conscientious, and trustworthy. I am ready for all the Universe has in store for me. No holding back. It's time to embrace all that is good - for each and every one of us.

Are you ready?

Returning To The Source - Quote For The Day

Empty your mind of all thoughts. Let your heart be at peace. Watch the turmoil of beings, but contemplate their return. Each separate being in the universe returns to the common source. Returning to the source is serenity. If you don't realize the source, you stumble in confusion and sorrow.

Lao Tzu
Ancient Chinese Philosopher

Monday, April 28, 2008

What Is True Commitment?

True commitment begins when we reach the point of not knowing how we can possibly go on, and decide to do it anyway.

Author Unknown

Do you ever feel like this? I know there are times when I wonder what all this is for and I feel like I want to just quit and something inside says otherwise. I think that's how I know I am on the right path and I've made a commitment to continue on. Some of the things I am committed to include:
  • Being a mom and a wife
  • Being a teacher
  • Being good to myself
  • Being grateful for all I have in my life
  • Being grateful for the opportunities that have been presented to help me learn and grow

What are you committed to??

Sunday, April 27, 2008

What You Wish To Experience - Quote For The Day

If you wish to experience peace, provide peace for another. If you wish to know that you are safe, cause another to know that they are safe. If you wish to better understand seemingly incomprehensible things, help another to better understand. If you wish to heal your own sadness or anger, seek to heal the sadness or anger of another.

Tenzin Gyatso
14th Dalai Lama of Tibet

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Getting Started With Essential Oils

Getting started in essential oils can be very overwhelming as there are literally hundreds of oils out there with thousands of possible uses. So you might be asking why and/or how would you use them. We’ll try to answer that here. Since every person is different, the best way to know what they can do for you is to try them and have fun - experiment! Here are a few I recommend everyone have on hand.

This oil has been called the "universal" essential oil because of its extraordinary ability to help with so many different problems. It is highly touted for its phenomenal ability to help heal severe burns, cuts, bruises, and skin irritations. It is also widely known for helping to alleviate symptoms of headaches, insomnia, PMS, and stress. The fragrance is calming and relaxing, both physically and emotionally. It may kill many dangerous pathogenic microorganisms, and has been reported to support healthy circulation, blood pressure, and heart function.

Like most citrus oils, Lemon is immediately refreshing to smell. It is known to enhance leukocyte formation and lymphatic function, thereby dramatically supporting the body's immune system. It works against many pathogenic microorganisms, helps purify the air and water, and promotes a sense of well-being when inhaled or applied. We have heard that a Japanese factory diffuses the essential oil of lemon to enhance alertness and enjoyment for its employees! It is refreshing to use in cooking and making lemonade, too! It is also known to help relax overworked muscles and to be a potent antidote for a variety of toxins. People love the uplifting fragrance...especially children.

This cooling spice oil is known to improve mental acuity and alertness, soothe the respiratory system, relieve nausea, help to reduce fever and vomiting, and quickly help to ease the discomfort of headaches, acid indigestion and heartburn. It also may kill some intestinal parasites, as well as other pathogenic microorganisms. Peppermint is also often used as an inhalant to ease the symptoms of asthma and bronchitis, and is cooling on hot summer days.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many ways to use oils. I recommend choosing a good quality therapeutic grade oil and keep it cool. Heat destroys any of the therapeutic qualities it has. You can use some oils straight out of the bottle (also known as applying it "neat"), you can place a few drops on a Kleenex or cotton ball and put in your vents or under your pillow, you can mix with a carrier oil such as almond oil or olive oil and use in a massage, etc. Oils are great fun and I am amazed at how much they can do for us! If you want to learn more about them, we do occasionally offer classes and they can be viewed at

I'd love to see some posts for how you use different oils!
It is time. Time to let go of things that don't serve me anymore. That is my theme right now. I need to let go of things to make room for all the new things life has waiting for me. I came across this while I was cleaning out my email and I thought it very fitting and wanted to share it with you...


Let fears slip away. Release any negative, limiting, or self-defeating beliefs buried in your subconscious too. These beliefs may be about life, love, or yourself. Beliefs create reality.

Let go. From as deep within as your fears, resentments, and negative beliefs are stored, let them all go. Let the belief or feeling surface. Accept it; surrender to it. Feel the discomfort or unrest. Then let it go. Let new beliefs replace the old. Let peace and joy and love replace fear.

Give yourself and your body permission to let go of fears, resentments, and negative beliefs. Release that which is no longer useful. Trust that you are being healed and prepared for receiving what is good.


Today, God, help me become willing to let go of old beliefs and feelings that may be hurting me. Gently take them from me and replace them with new beliefs and feelings. I do deserve the best life and love has to offer. Help me believe that.

From "The Language of Letting Go"
by Melody Beattie

Friday, April 25, 2008

Love Yourself As You Are - Quote For The Day

Instead of judging, start accepting yourself with all the imperfections, all the frailties, all the mistakes, all the failures. Don't ask yourself to be perfect. That is simply asking something impossible,and then you are feeling frustrated. You are a human being.

Osho, 1931-1990
Indian Spiritual Teacher

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Being Comfortable with Yourself...

I came across this quote and thought it fit very well with all that I've noticed in recent weeks:

It's surprising how many persons go through life without ever recognizing that their feelings toward other people are largely determined by their feelings toward themselves, and if you're not comfortable within yourself, you can't be comfortable with others.

Sydney J. Harris, 1917-1986 American Journalist

I know that the good and the "not so desireable" things I see in others are what I see in myself. I find it easier to focus on the things I don't like so much than to focus on the good BUT the good things are very important. You cannot see something in someone else unless it is also a part of who you are.

It is time we begin to embrace our goodness, our gifts, our strengths. Think about all the people you admire and what it is you admire about them. know that those things are in you too! Let your light shine!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Keeping Up With The Jones' - Who Are They Anyway?

When I was a little girl, around 7 or 8 years old, I began to establish my own identity. I remember wanting to have more say in the clothes I wore, the way my hair was done, how I spent my time, etc. My dad didn't seem very happy about this and it caused many conflicts in our relationship over the years. I remember him buying me clothes that I didn't like and when I said I didn't care for them, he told me I was ungrateful. I remember wanting to have my hair cut a certain way and he wouldn't let me. I remember asking for specific shoes and him telling me I was selfish and it was stupid to spend money on something so dumb.

I also remember over the years hearing that I didn't try hard enough in school, I was too fat, too slow, too needy, too picky...and the list goes on. I remember him telling me once that I was only kidding myself if I thought I had any friends because no one could possibly like me.

There were a lot of negative messages and probably a few positive ones as well - I just don't remember those. As a result, I grew up believing a lot of negative things about myself. I have made many poor choices because of what I believed about myself. I've been in bad relationships, spent money poorly, at times only cared about myself, and at times only cared about others. He was my father and was supposed to love me so it stood to reason that if he would say such hurtful things, they must be true.

I'm 41 years old now and many of those old beliefs are still around which stinks. I keep wondering when they will not be needed any more...when will I be able to let them go? Will I ever be able to let them go?

This past weekend at a retreat I listened to someone share about things they experienced with their father. They never felt good enough either. I knew what that was like. I still don't feel good enough. I still feel like no matter what I achieve, it isn't enough. But this weekend, something shifted.

I realized I have been trying to keep up with the Jones'. I realized more than ever before that what people think of me is important. I realized that I have made an attempt to take the focus off of who I am inside because "it's just not enough". I never thought it was important to keep up with the Jones' but also recognized not too long ago that I often think that's what others are doing SOOOO for me to be aware of others...I guess I just wasn't being honest with myself about how important it actually has been to me.

The Jones'...who are they anyway? For me, they are my father. The little girl inside of me is still trying to win his approval through the approval of others. I want to believe deep down at my core that I am good. I am valued. I am enough. It's time to stop this cycle. What my father thinks is not important. What other's think is not important. At 41, I no longer want to seek that acceptance from anyone but myself. That is the only acceptance that counts.

What matters is who I am inside not what car I drive. I don't want to be remembered in life for anything I had, only for what I've done for others and for myself. I want to be a good mom and a good wife...a good friend and a good teacher. I want to make choices that support me creating a great life for myself and for those around me. So I for one am telling the Jones' to move on. They are no longer welcome in my neighborhood. As Sunny would say, "Your opinion of me is none of my business." Here's to taking my life back and being the person I want to be.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tears and Resistence

As I prepare to leave for my week in Arizona (family vacation for a few days - retreat for a few), I am aware of a mixture of emotions that have been surfacing for a while but are stronger now. I am so excited to have some time away with my family and as well as alone. I am also so excited to go to this retreat and yet, I am terrified of what it will mean for me. I know there are beliefs and identities that need to be shed, released, revamped and I feel it's time.

I have felt like April would be a big month for me for a long time - a life changing month. A couple of weeks ago, I received a message: "April Showers Bring May Flowers". I took this to mean, doing the work, cleansing my heart and my soul, would bring great things. Still...

I am afraid of the unknown.
What will replace these beliefs and identities?
I have NO idea.
That is really scary.

What I do know is that some things aren't working as well as they could in my life. I want less clutter, less clutter in my mind and less clutter in my home. I want more love, more time, more connection, more money, more joy. I want to be abundant in all that is good and supports me. Do we all want that??

Setting aside all that is frightening to me, what I do know is I will be surrounded by loving and supportive people. I know I trust in the process and my inner voice. Wish me luck! I'll check in as time allows.

Monday, April 14, 2008

What Feeds Your Soul?

Often when I'm doing a consultation with the aura photos/reports the subject of joy comes up. I always share my definition of joy because I want to make sure we are on the same page. Now, any kind of joy is good of course and we don't nearly have enough of it in our lives at times but the kind I'm talking about is the kind you can feel deep in your heart, deep in your soul, even if you are all alone.

For me, it's thinking about the sound a young child makes when they laugh. You know the deep, belly kind of laugh. It's also thinking about or actually petting my cat. She loves me no matter what and she is absolutely a joy in my life. Sometimes it's going to the movie, especially on the spur of the moment. I love that! I love all of a sudden thinking a movie sounds great and there just happens to be one starting soon.

So what does joy mean to you? How do you define it? How do you bring it into your life? I'd love to hear from you. Please feel free to post a comment.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Hello all,

Well I'm finally diving in and starting a blog. I've wanted to do this for some time. I think it's a great way to stay connected but have been somewhat resistant to the process for some reason. I'm not sure why as I love to write and share. I think it has to do with a fear of not having anything to say which is kind of funny since I'm rarely short of words LOL. I hope you will take time to jump in here and there and add your 2 cents when you feel guided.