Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tears and Resistence

As I prepare to leave for my week in Arizona (family vacation for a few days - retreat for a few), I am aware of a mixture of emotions that have been surfacing for a while but are stronger now. I am so excited to have some time away with my family and as well as alone. I am also so excited to go to this retreat and yet, I am terrified of what it will mean for me. I know there are beliefs and identities that need to be shed, released, revamped and I feel it's time.

I have felt like April would be a big month for me for a long time - a life changing month. A couple of weeks ago, I received a message: "April Showers Bring May Flowers". I took this to mean, doing the work, cleansing my heart and my soul, would bring great things. Still...

I am afraid of the unknown.
What will replace these beliefs and identities?
I have NO idea.
That is really scary.

What I do know is that some things aren't working as well as they could in my life. I want less clutter, less clutter in my mind and less clutter in my home. I want more love, more time, more connection, more money, more joy. I want to be abundant in all that is good and supports me. Do we all want that??

Setting aside all that is frightening to me, what I do know is I will be surrounded by loving and supportive people. I know I trust in the process and my inner voice. Wish me luck! I'll check in as time allows.

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