Sunday, May 25, 2008

Finding the Stillness

You can find the stillness in nature. While focusing on your breath, allow yourself to become one with the environment around you. If you don't have somewhere to go close by, use a photo like the one above. Imagine you are there and just be...

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Stillness

In the stillness you have everything you need.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Take a Bliss Trip Today

Float down the river on a broad green leaf...

Stretch out your arms and legs from tip to tip and feel the warmth of the sun on your body.

Let your hands run over the surface of your vessel, a life-filled frond teeming with energy.

The light current propels you forward, the gentle ripple of the stream echoing softly.

Rest in complete stillness as the waters carry you.

Immerse yourself in this lovely moment, knowing that by simply being you carry on...

A Bliss Trip-a-Day is brought to you by Kerstin Sjoquist, founder of Consciousness Arts, who has a mission to change the world by liberating the imagination. Kerstin combines her diverse background as a Juilliard trained actor, certified hypnotherapist, and tractor-driving farm hand to create the Bliss Trips line of guided meditation CDs. For more information, visit

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Love is the Answer

"Love is the answer.
Now, what is your question?"
Author Unknown

Isn't that the truth. Love is the answer to everything! When we come from a place of love, everything in the world is right. We can't experience fear. We can't experience anxiety. All we can experience is love and joy and peace.

Give it a try:)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Your Mind Doesn't Know the Difference

In this crazy world everyone seems to complain about not having enough time to do the things they love. Few of us take the time to do things that feed our soul. Doing things that feed our soul is so important to our wellbeing. It connects us to who we really are. It connects us to our heart energy.

So what can you do when you are lacking time and can't take that walk in the woods that you love so much? What can you do when you don't have a week and the money to take a much needed vacation? Imagine it!

Your mind can't tell the difference between when you had the experience or when you are thinking about it. Unfortunately, this works with both painful experiences and joyful ones. Take a minute to think about a time you were really unhappy...a time when you didn't have much hope...

When you were in that moment, how did your relationships feel? How productive were you at work? How much energy did you have? How did you view money? How about time?


Take just a few minutes to close your eyes and connect with a moment in time that you felt absolute joy...absolute love...

Think about where you were...who you were with...what you were doing...

Think about what you could see around you...what you could hear...what you could feel inside...

How did it feel to be so connected to your spirit?

In that experience, how much energy did you have? How did you view money? Time? How were your relationships? Can you feel the difference?

Our state of mind is just that. Just a state of mind. No more, no less. It is our reality in the moment. We have the power to shift our thinking any time we want. It is simply a choice.

When you have a big project to work on or feel like you don't have enough money or time or your relationships aren't going well...take a minute to adjust your thinking. And then move forward from a place of love and joy.

This is what life is all about. We are here to let our light shine. Shining our light will allow everyone around you to do the same. Life is too short to do any different.

so, what will you choose?

The Gift - Quote for the Day

I love this quote. It truly is what a gift is all about! Enjoy...

We give of ourselves when
we give gifts of the heart:
love, kindness, joy, understanding,
sympathy, tolerance, forgiveness.

We give of ourselves when
we give gifts of the mind:
ideas, dreams, purposes,
ideals,principles, plans,
inventions, projects, poetry.

We give of ourselves when
we give gifts of the spirit:
prayer, vision, beauty,
aspiration, peace, faith.

We give of ourselves when
we give the gift of words:
encouragement, inspiration, guidance.

Emerson said it well:
'Rings and jewels are not gifts,
but apologies for gifts.
The only true gift is
a portion of thyself.'

- Wilferd A. Peterson, 1900-1995 American Author and Columnist

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Do it Yourself - Quote for the Day

Instead of telling the world
What it is supposed to do,
Why don't you immediately do it yourself?
In this way, I assure you,
Your happiness will be surprisingly multiplied.

- Sri Chinmoy
Indian Philosopher and Teacher

I thought this was a great quote about taking responsibility for our lives. Isn't that the truth? If we do the things we think need to be done, creating the life we want, we can't go wrong.

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Purpose of Life - Quote for the Day

The purpose of life is to listen - to yourself, to your neighbor, to your world and to God and, when the time comes, to respond in as helpful a way as you can find... from within and without.

- Mr. Fred 'McFeely' Rogers, 1928-2003 American Educator, Minister and Television Host

Mr. Rogers was a wise man:). I love this quote.