Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Artist's Way - Personal Date Ideas

In our lastest ezine we shared some ideas for "taking yourself on a date" and just enjoying life. Here they are...

•Find a piece of poetry, drag out the watercolors and "paint" the poem. Letting the words pick the colors and shapes.
•Get a movie you really want to see.
•Spend a complete morning (or evening) in a bookstore.
•Blow soap bubbles . . . maybe get one of those gigantic bubble hoops.
•Take a long, luxurious bubble bath with music playing and the lights out. Light some scented candles or incense. (Don't forget to turn off the telephone!)
•Build a Lincoln Log house.
•Go to the playground (don't forget to wear your fastest sneakers !) and swing, go down the slide, merry-go-round, climb the jungle gym (ALL the way to the top), sit WAY up on top of the jungle gym and sing "Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay" or "Sittin' on Top of the Jungle Gym."
•Get a blanket and lay down outside and count stars or try to spot constellations.
•Plant a butterfly garden (to attract butterflies).
•Get some chalk and draw all over the sidewalk.
•Play the oldies station on the radio--YOU are the vocalist, and a comb or brush is your microphone.
•Is there a stream nearby? Sit on the edge, remove shoes, let the watercaress and massage your feet, write a letter to a friend, or just sit and think. Bring your MP's, or a journal, and if an idea hits you, write it down.

Please post any ideas you'd like to add. Your idea might just inspire someone else to nurture their spirit this week!

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