Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Getting Clear

Are you feeling a bit fuzzy about something in your life? I was struggling with this for most of the summer and what played the biggest role in being able to get clear was spending time relaxing which I don't do often. That probably sounds crazy to some but my idea of relaxing is doing one thing at a time rather than multi-tasking:).
Every day I watched this mother loon and her baby and the father play in the lake. I watched them go from one end to the other, ocassionally disappearing in search of food below the water's surface. Without a care in the world, they seemed so content to just be in the lake (except when we'd get too close for their liking). What a great example of just enjoying the moment.
If you are having a hard time figuring something out, try going somewhere that you love or just imagining that you are there if you can't physically be there. Spend some time taking it all in...the beauty...the stillness...all of it. Just pay attention to what comes to you. I think you will be surprised by the clarity that comes...

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