Friday, October 3, 2008

It's Been A While

I hadn't realized how long its been since I last posted. I don't know where the last month went. I thought about posting often and always seemed to get sidetracked with something else. The fall is such a powerful time for me and my favorite season. I love the changing leaves and wrote about it in both my September and October newsletters. I have spent the past month getting my 13 year old daughter back into the routine of school which is always a challenge, at a 4 day healing retreat and a 3 day workshop to add another tool to my toolbelt. This past week I've really felt the impact of doing all of this along with everything else on my plate and spent a little extra time sleeping and just taking it easy in general. I am grateful for the time to do this. I am also grateful for the wonderful teachers in my life. Without each of them, I would not be where I am today. I am off to enjoy a massage this afternoon and will write more later.

In Gratitude,

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