Thursday, October 30, 2008

Under the Weather

Yesterday I woke up a bit under the weather. I knew it was coming and I just kept telling myself "just a few more days to get through and then I can rest". I had so much going on that I couldn't bring myself to step away from it. Luckily, I had a couple of open days to relax but I wonder if I wasn't sick, would I be relaxing? My pattern would be to see a window of down time and figure out what needed to be done, work-wise, and do it. While I don't enjoy being sick, I can see the value of requiring me to relax. For the last two days, I've napped, ate soup and barely checked my emails.

Is your body giving you any signs? Is there anything you need to do to care for yourself? Please take the time to do it. You are all you have. Commit yourself to finding balance and honoring your needs above the needs of others. You will be able to provide so much more if you do. I am committing to doing this for myself. I hope you will too.

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